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Competitive sports--by their nature -- cause stress. Vigorous exercise programs can also cause stress if one takes a program seriously or tries to keep up with friends or others. To a certain degree, stress can have positive effects and push us to greater achievement. But how much stress one can easily handle varies from person to person.

Stress, particularly that due to competitive excitement, fear or anger, causes the body to liberate chemicals that stimulate the adrenal glands. The glands release adrenalin (sometimes called epinephrine). Adrenalin has the following effects on the body:

  • Rapid heartbeat.
  • Increased blood pressure.
  • Tremor.
  • Headache.
  • Excessive sweating.
  • Body hair "standing on end."
  • Dry mouth and throat.

    Under ordinary circumstances, vigorous exercise "burns off" the breakdown products (catecholamines) of adrenalin. If all the chemicals produced by stress are not burned off, the positive effects of exercise may become negative and self-defeating. Common stress-related disorders are:

  • Insomnia.
  • Mental and emotional upheavals.
  • Skin eruptions, such as eczema and neurodermatitis.
  • Digestive-system problems, including peptic ulcers, colitis and irritable colon.
  • Endocrine disorders, including overactive thyroid, adrenal-gland or pituitary-gland overactivity or underactivity, changes in menstrual patterns, impotence or premature ejaculation in men, or orgasmic dysfunction in women.
  • Lung disorders associated with spasm of the bronchial tubes, such as in asthma.
  • Pain syndromes, such as chronic or recurrent disabling headaches or back pain. Other causes of stress that can occur to anyone, athlete or not, include:
  • Regular conflict with others.
  • Recent death of a loved one--spouse, child, friend.
  • Loss of anything valuable.
  • Injury or severe illness.
  • Being fired or changing jobs.
  • Recent move to a new home.
  • Sexual difficulties.
  • Business, academic or financial reverses, or taking on a large debt.
  • Constant fatigue.

    Many doctors believe that stress has a role in almost any disorder. Few doubt that stress can complicate an illness or delay healing from an injury or surgery by preventing normal recovery, prolonging pain and sustaining disability.

    Here are some tips that may help you reduce stress:

  • Learn a meditation technique and practice it regularly--daily if possible. There are many methods available. Most of them include "tuning in to" and giving complete attention to a word, sound, sentence or concept that you silently repeat to yourself. Don't try to banish other thoughts that enter your mind during your period of concentration, but don't focus on them enough to stop you from meditating. The purpose of meditation is to empty your mind of all disturbing thoughts for a given period of time to encourage mental relaxation. Mental relaxation, in turn, will help reduce stress.

    The Transcendental Meditation Program is a different technique that has been shown through extensive physiological research to be effective in reducing stress. It is taught in most communities in individualized instruction through the International Meditation Society.

  • Take a short period of time away from any stressful situation you encounter during a day. Practice a muscle-tensing and muscle-relaxing technique. Close your eyes. Take a series of deep breaths. Then start with the muscle groups in your face. Consciously tense them and hold the contraction for a few seconds. Then consciously relax them. Continue through all major muscle groups in the body--neck, shoulders, hands, abdomen, back and legs. When you become skillful, you can use this technique to relax quickly any time you need to and in almost any environment.

  • Avoid taking your problems to bed with you. At the end of the day, spend a few minutes reviewing your entire day's experiences, event by event, as if you're replaying a tape. Release all negative emotions you have harbored (anger, feelings of insecurity or anxiety). Relish all good energy or emotion (loving thoughts, praise, feeling good about your work or yourself). Reach a decision about unfinished events, and release mental or muscular tension. Then you're ready for a relaxing and emotionally healing sleep.

    Psychosomatic illness is a term used to describe an illness in which factors other than physical ones dominate. These factors may also play an important part in complications. Such illnesses are real -- not imagined, as many people think. We can't separate our body from our mind or our spirit. Most illnesses have some connection with these elements, even if the links between mind, spirit and body are poorly defined at times.

    Although medical researchers are beginning to understand the basic mechanisms, we still have much to learn about psychosomatic illness. One group of researchers believes that mental, emotional or spiritual stress can trigger almost any illness in a person genetically predisposed to that illness. Such illnesses include asthma, cancer, digestive disturbances, heart disease -- all these and others are more common in certain families. Yet all people in these families do not succumb to the same illnesses.


  • Define and resolve all personal conflicts, if possible. Confront areas of personal conflict in your spiritual, emotional, occupational, civic or recreational involvements. If you can't resolve these conflicts alone, seek help from family, friends or competent counselors.

  • Seek a balanced life of work, intellectual and physical challenges, recreation, intimacy, reflection and rest. Be moderate in all your activities.

  • Maintain a positive attitude whenever possible.

  • Allow yourself to give and receive love.

  • Be a friend. Considerate, respectful and loving attitudes toward yourself and others are powerful allies.

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